Základné informácie
Kód produktu | AOS17098 |
Ean: | 4905083017098 |
Škála | 1:72 |
Pridané do katalógu: | 21.5.2008 |
Tagy | Focke-Wulf-Ta-152 |
Výrobca | Aoshima |
Zodpovedný subjekt | Megafun Sp. z.o o Przykopy 7 30-612 Kraków Poľsko |
The Focke Wulf Ta-152 is a German, single-engine, all-metal, low-wing interceptor from the end of WWII. The prototype flight took place on July 12, 1944, and it was delivered to the line units in January 1945. The Ta-152 was a response to the Allied bombing raids over the Third Reich and was designed to fight heavy bombers and escort fighters, mainly with P-51 and P -47. Despite its external similarity, it was not another version of the Fw-190, but a completely new aircraft, but using many components from the Fw-190. The role of the drive unit was performed by the Jumo 213-1 engine with a take-off power of 1880KM and a maximum of 2250KM. Originally, it was planned to create the entire Ta-152 family with hunting, fighter-bomber and reconnaissance functions, but only the Ta-152-H version, which was a classic fighter, was mass-produced. Due to the Allied air raids and the worsening supply situation, only 67 Ta-152s were produced. During the short combat service, the Ta-152 turned out to be a machine at least equal to the performance of the American machines, and even better on several planes (shorter turning radius, better climb). Technical data: length: 10.82m, wingspan: 14.44m, height: 3.36m, maximum speed: 750km / h, climb speed: 16.7m / s, maximum range: 1500km, maximum ceiling 13500m, armament: fixed - a single 30mm cannon and two 20mm cannons.
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Základné informácie
Producent | Aoshima |
Zodpovedný subjekt | Megafun Sp. z.o o Przykopy 7 30-612 Kraków Poľsko |
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