
Zvezda 8041 Polish Winged Hussars

Polish Winged Hussars - Image 1
Škála: 1:72
Výrobca: Zvezda
Kód produktu: zve8041
Aktuálna dostupnosť: nedostupné
Naposledy dostupné: 7.7.2020
€8.11 alebo 5600 bod.

Obsahuje 23% DPH
pri preprave do krajiny: Slovensko
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Základné informácie

Kód produktuzve8041
Hmotnosť:0.11 kg
Pridané do katalógu:28.7.2008
Zodpovedný subjektHobby Pro Marketing Ges. m.b.H Am Leonardbach 7 A-8010 Graz Rakúsko

Hussars is a Polish cavalry military formation that was first formed at the beginning of the 16th century, perhaps in 1503, and was disbanded in 1775-1776. Initially, it played the role of light cavalry, probably modeled on similar units serving in Hungary or Serbia. It is certain that the hussar units took part in the Battle of Orsza, which was victorious for the Polish side in 1514. However, at the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century, the hussars already played the role of heavy cavalry. In the 17th century, the hussar was armed with a long and hollow lance, a saber, koncerze and two pistols. For the needs of the hussars, horses were specially bred and selected that were resistant to the hardships of the march, but could also be great at galloping. What's more, the hussar units were very well trained and often commanded by eminent leaders like Jan Karol Chodkiewicz, Stanisław Żółkiewski and Jan Sobieski. In the course of the battle, the hussars assumed a tight formation (the so-called knee to knee) and charged the enemy in such a formation. The outstanding quality of the hussars is evidenced by the fact that she was able to perform several of these charges in the course of one battle. Thanks to very high combat value, great steeds, good tactics and talented commanders, the hussars were able to win general battles even despite the significant advantage of the enemy. It is enough to mention such great victories as at Kircholm (1605), Kluszyn (1610) or at Chocim (1621 and later in 1673). It is thanks to them that hussars were considered one of the best in the 17th century - if not the best! - cavalry units in Europe. The regression of the formation occurred with the crisis of the Polish state in the 18th century, when it began to play the role of a representative army rather than a real combat force.

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Základné informácie

Zodpovedný subjektHobby Pro Marketing Ges. m.b.H Am Leonardbach 7 A-8010 Graz Rakúsko

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Pridané do katalógu: 28.7.2008
Aktuálna dostupnosť: nedostupné
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