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A cowboy is none other than the shepherd of America's freely grazing and wandering horned cattle, who has occasionally been involved in horse breeding as well. The character, although it is present in many countries of the American continent (e.g. Mexico), became particularly popular and recognized in the United States, where at the end of the 19th century it even became an element of the country's popular culture. Cowboys appeared in the USA at the beginning of the 19th century. However, it was only after the capture of Mexico at the expense of Mexico in 1848, such as New Mexico and California, and the intensification of cattle breeding, that cowboys became commonplace in the Wild West. The peculiar "golden age" of cowboys, initiated in the late 1840s, ended with the great migration waves of the 1980s and the beginning of the fencing of the land by farmers. It is assumed that in the United States, the last cowboys stopped practicing their profession at the turn of the 1880s and 1890s. Interestingly, they lasted in Canada until around 1910. It is also worth remembering that most probably, the North American cowboys borrowed a large part of the "workshop" from their Mexican ancestors.
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€15.76 alebo 11400 bod.
Škála: 1:35 Výrobca: Master Box Kód produktu: mbx35204 Dostupnosť: dostupný!
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€13.06 alebo 9400 bod.
Škála: 1:35 Výrobca: Master Box Kód produktu: mbx35205 Dostupnosť: dostupný!
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